Your job search

jet fuelled


Welcome to Recruit Jet, where we believe that everyone deserves a fair shot at landing their dream job.

We are a recruitment agency that prides itself on promoting inclusion, diversity, and togetherness in the workforce not only because it’s the right thing to do but it also makes good business sense. Research has shown that diverse teams are more innovative, productive, and better at problem-solving. That’s why we are committed to partnering with organisations that share our values and promote diversity and inclusion in the workplace.

At Recruit Jet, we understand that looking for a job can be a daunting task, which is why we are here to guide you every step of the way. Our experienced team of recruiters takes the time to get to know each candidate personally, to understand your skills, experience, and career goals. We provide guidance on how to improve your resume, prepare for interviews, and negotiate job offers but our services don’t end once you land your dream job. We also provide ongoing support to ensure a smooth transition into your new role.

Joining Recruit Jet means joining a community of professionals who share our values of inclusion, diversity, and togetherness. Our commitment to these values sets us apart from other recruitment agencies and ensures that our candidates have the best chance of success.

Recruit Jet

Steps to your dream job


Connect with Recruit Jet to create a profile, upload your resume and tell us about your skills and ideal contract.

We'll Talk

Once you've connected, we'll reach out and arrange to have a chat about your skills and to make sure we understand goals.

Job Opening

A job becomes available and the organisation asks Recruit Jet to find them the perfect fit.

You're Perfect

Because we know your skills, education and goals we can match you with the vacancy from the many people in our talent pool.


We'll tell you about the role and confirm it's something you want to be put forward for before passing your details to the organisation.

A Good Fit

The organisation agree you'll be a good fit and invite you to interview. This might be online or face to face but we'll let you know which.


Sometimes organisations can take a while to decide who will be best to fill the position but we'll keep you updated with any news and sometimes even to tell you we have no news.

Good News

You've been chosen out of all the candidates and now the choice is yours as to whether you accept the role.

Your recruitment solution, jet fuelled
Recruit Jet